My Thursday At Taft Federal Prison Camp

I had a productive day. By 4:00 A.M. I was sitting in the large television room. I spent 30 minutes reading then I finished yesterday’s blog post. After the 5:00 A.M. census count cleared, I moved to the quiet room and wrote until 8:00 A.M. At 8:15 I hit the track. I ran 11 miles in one hour and 18 minutes. After the 10:30 A.M. standing census count cleared, I called my friend Sam who was just leaving the golf course. Only four more months until I can hold a golf club.

After the 4:00 P.M; standing count cleared, I called my mother. My mom (politely) begged me not to ask about the missing blog and she is hoping that the whole thing will just blow over. Come on, Mom. Time to come clean. What did you do with the blog?

After my phone call, Poncho the barber cut my hair. Poncho could cut hair in any salon in Beverly Hills. He’s booked up for weeks and will squeeze you in only if your release date is imminent (within one week).

At 6:00 P.M. I helped several Chinese inmates prepare a letter to the Warden requesting special privileges for the Chinese New Year on January 26th. At 6:45 A.M. I helped another inmate write a letter to our counselor requesting more halfway house time.

It’s 7:45 P.M. and I’m resting on my rack, eyes barely open, eager to finish this blog. I’m exhausted. Tomorrow I’ll do it all over again.

Justin Paperny

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