Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nine Days Until My Release From Taft Federal Prison Camp

Of all the holidays, Mother’s Day was the only holiday that I had to serve twice in prison. I struggled a lot through Mother’s Day last year, as my mother and I are very close.  Today is Mother’s Day again, and this time it’s not so bad. I’m glad that in only nine more days, my mother will be with my brother to pick me up from Taft Prison Camp.

I’m glad to relieve her of all the stress my imprisonment has caused.  I’m not at the point where I will begin to count the hours, but let’s just say I’m close.  We’ll start the hour counting in about five more days, when I’m within 100 hours of release.

I feel as though I’ve done a lot during the time I’ve served at Taft Camp, especially during the final three months.  Even though I’ve come to the end, I’m still investing a significant portion of each day preparing.  I’m reading Lessons From Prison repeatedly, as I truly want to share what I have learned with the world. I am convinced real value exists within those pages, and I look forward to sharing.

Besides reading the book repeatedly, I continue to read other books that broaden my perspective. I recently finished reading Trust by Stephen Covey, and I have Tony Dungy’s new book Uncommon open beside me.  I can really identify with Tony Dungy’s book.  He writes that anyone can choose the common path, though winners pursue the uncommon course.  The lessons I have learned and that I strive to teach provide the same guidance.

Dungy suggests that in order to lead a life of significance, we must first develop our core.  That means working on character, integrity, humility and courage.  We must love our family, and strive to empower others.  To live our full potential, we must think powerful thoughts and strive to establish a mission that matters.  By choosing to cultivate influence over image, Coach Dungy suggests we will find more fulfillment.

I agree with these lessons.  I embrace and I endorse them.  That is why I will devote my life to sharing them with others.

It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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