1. Days in Prison – 943.

2. Days left in prison – 188.

3. Times food made me ill in prison – 6.

4. Taxes paid over the last 943 days – 0.

5. Cost to incarcerate Me per day – $86.77.

6. Money allocated to feed Me each day – $2.69.

7. Weight loss since first day of incarceration – 26 pounds.

8. Number of people I have met who I would like to see again – 5.

9. Average amount I spend on phone calls and email each month – $57.00.

10. Amount I saved per phone call by having my wife switch to a local area code – $2.01.

My Federal Prison Sentence By The Numbers

My Federal Prison Sentence By The Numbers

11. Number of educational classes I have completed to date – 19.

12. The number of times I have cried in prison – 6.
(I always cry in the shower, no one can see me).

13. The number of days I told myself I wish I could go back and do things differently – 943.

14. The amount I have spent on commissary over the last 943 days – $6,386.00.

15. The number of push-ups I could do in a set before I came to prison – 25.

16. The number of push-ups I can do in a set after 943 days in prison – 125.

17. The number of former colleagues who have contacted me since I came to prison – 27.

18. The number of former clients who have contacted Me since I came to prison – 21.

19. The number of visits from people other than family – 4.

20. The number of books I have read since coming to prison – 137.

21. The number of days I have not thought about all of the people I have hurt because of my federal prison sentence – 0.

22. The number of business plans I have drafted in federal prison – 11.

23. The number of fights I have witnessed in federal prison – 4.

24. The average number of laps I jog around the 1/2 mile prison track each day – 8.

25. The number of days I spent in prison before I learned my lesson – 1.

Ken Flaska

P.S. If you would like to learn more about my earlier experience through federal prison please check out my earlier blogs here.

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