April 27, 2015

Recovery Begins Now

Its 7:30am on the morning before I leave my family for prison. This is where my blog begins. I have never been this sad, sorry or afraid but I am praying continuously that the waves will calm as they approach. Everything that we can think of doing to prepare as a family has been done. The checklist is complete, but I do not want to go. Tomorrow, fifteen months of debilitating emotional exhaustion will transform from the unknown into a new normal for the next 63 months. My prison designation is MCKEAN, which is the closest facility to my family in Jamestown, NY. Learning this news a few days ago felt like a victory, and in fact it is a blessing.

If there is a story, there is a storyteller, and I will use this blog to share my experience to remain connected and hopefully provide some useful or interesting perspective that may help others. The goals I have established for myself to ensure that something positive comes from this experience focus on thriving through this journey to functionally emerge as a person who makes those whom I have hurt proud of the ultimate outcome. The nose dive from these past fifteen months has finally leveled off at an altitude prior to impacting the ground. We are going to be ok. The word remorse does not fully describe how I feel about my decisions that got me here and I hate what I did, but it does not control what I am about to accomplish.

In 1994 I made my first landing as a pilot at the controls of a jet airplane. That landing did not occur, however, until after I had made my first go-around because of an unstable approach. Randy, my instructor, calmly told me "its all in the recovery” as we lined-up for the runway the second time. Recovery begins now.

It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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