We’re hunkering down at Camp fed waiting for the season’s first snow storm, the y have cancelled visiting for the weekend because of the forecasted N’or Easter, I doubt it will happen but who knows.  The men who work the landscaping and grounds crews were putting plows on their tractors this morning and I suspect the plows will be going on the pock up trucks as well, we have a lot of guys who work that detail and I’m sure they’ll have it covered quickly.  It was suggested to me by a friend we should have a camp snowball fight, chose up sides and do some snow angels too, don’t think that’s going to happen.  The incoming storm doesn’t have much interest around here though, as we inmates tend to say, we are we going?  It kind of takes the fun out of the storm. I usually look forward to a big snow storm, stuck at home, watching a great couple of movies, cooking some great soup, baking a pie, having a few drinks and chilling, it’s not happening here, oh well, something to think about.  Enjoy the snow everybody.

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