November 27, 2014

Thankful at Thanksgiving from Federal Prison

Well, it is my first holiday in Prison. I sat down and reflected upon all of the great times our family has experienced on Thanksgiving Day over the past years. It pains me to think I will not be sharing the day with them. Rather than dwell on my current situation, I thought about the remaining things in my life that I am thankful for. They include the following:

  1. My wife, who has stood by Me and loved Me despite my poor conduct, She gives me hope and strength every day.
  2. My Son, who despite having the proverbial rug pulled out from under him by my actions, has continued to support his father.
  3. My true friends, who despite the public exposure of my many faults, still accept Me and support Me through this difficult time.
  4. The knowledge that I will leave this place (God willing) in the future and be given an opportunity to make amends to everyone I have hurt.
  5. That Me and my family are in good physical health.
  6. That I have a small home to return to after prison which many fellow prisoners do not.
  7. That I have access to email and a telephone so I can communicate on a regular basis with my family and friends.
  8. That I have the ability and time to exercise to maintain my physical health. (running the 5k turkey trot on the Prison track on Thanksgiving)
  9. That I have the ability to share my thoughts and journey with others.
  10. That I have faith and hope for the future for my family.

This list is probably much different from the list I would have prepared several years ago. To be frank, I like this list much better.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ken Flaska

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