Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thirty Days Until My Release From Taft Federal Prison Camp

Yesterday I announced the publication of my new book Lessons From Prison.  Today I’d like to tell readers about some of my plans for bringing the book to market.  Initially, I intend to use this book as a calling card that will help me open opportunities to support myself through speaking on issues pertaining to ethics, and through consulting for individuals who struggle through complications with the Department of Justice.  Those were the audiences for whom I wrote the book, as I know they will find it of value.

The reason I know such audiences will find Lessons From Prison of value is that I could have been in either one in the past.  Had I thought more about the consequences of decisions I made, I would not have fallen into problems with the criminal justice system.  This book could have helped.  Similarly, this book could have helped me once my problems began, as I would have known more about how to advance through the process.

To reach those markets, I intend to send copies of the book with an introductory letter to attorneys, accounting firms, and business organizations that may be of assistance to me in soliciting new business.  As an exercise, a draft of the type of letter I intend to send follows:

“Lawyer’s  Name

Firm Name

Addess of Firm

City, State & Zip

My name is Justin M. Paperny and I am the author of Lessons From Prison. I enclose an introductory copy of my book and ask that you schedule some time for me to meet with you.  I’d like to share some of the ways that I can add value to the guidance you provide your clients.

I am a graduate of the University of Southern California, and a former stockbroker who built a career at the firms of  Bear Stearns and UBS.  In 2007 I pleaded guilty to one count of securities fraud.   My crime stemmed from bad decisions I made in representing a client.  As a consequence, a federal judge sentenced me to serve an 18-month sentence.

I served my term at Taft Federal Prison Camp.  While there I learned everything there is to know about thriving through confinement.  If you have clients who anticipate a possible journey through prison, Lessons From Prison and my guidance will show them the strategies they need to emerge successfully.  For a further review of my journey, please visit the daily blog I kept during my confinement at

I will call you next week to schedule time for a meeting.

Please know that I appreciate the time you’ve taken to review my work.


Justin M. Paperny

It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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