#4 Google. Print. Mail.

#4 Google. Print. Mail. The best case scenario is that your imprisoned friend or loved one might have access to a set of encyclopedias for research. In the prison where I am confined, we have an almost complete set of the 15th Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica...

# 3 Be a pace-setter in Federal Prison

# 3 Be a pace-setter in Federal Prison I am proud to continue my series on the top 10 things one can do to help a loved in federal prison. The person you care about in prison will likely struggle at some level to comprehend the passage of time, as suddenly it...

Helping Someone In Federal Prison

July 9, Helping Someone In Federal Prison #2: Facilitate having your church or similar organization donate movies and other materials to the institution where your friend or loved one is confined. Your friend or loved one in federal prison should have access to plenty...

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