Many days our thoughts don’t reflect the promise that God has given us.  We worry about this and about that.  We try to maneuver here and there.  We stay up all day and night in panic mode only to realize we are further then we were once we started worrying!  God has a unique purpose for each of our lives.  For some of us it’s like a banana peel.  It must be pulled back in order to get to the goodness of the sweet banana.  There is a unique purpose for everyday of our lives.  I can remember saying “I was at the right place at the right time” so many times.  But how could that be true.  I’m not that clever or smart to orchestrate timing for my good or demise.  Everything is devinely ordered by God.  We just have to have faith, patience and trust.

Everyday that unfolds, I am confident that even though I would prefer NOT to be serving a sentence at Carswell, that this journey was ordered and God knew that I would be here before I was conceived in my sainted mothers womb. This day for me was pre-destined when my wonderful daddy moved from North Carolina to Chicago because of the tragic loss of his mother in his early years.

Only God could have set the stars and the moon to do the respective jobs.  So no matter what we go through in this life we must keep our central focus on God.  Now I won’t tell you that everyday will be rosy.  We will have loss of loved ones, jobs, homes, material possessions, marriages and sometimes our sanity and our way.  But if you trust God with faith and patience that everthing that happens is a part of his ultimate plan for your life.  So no matter where you find yourself on your journey always believe that it is a piece of your pre-destined masterpiece, “your life”.

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