We spend so much time worrying about everything. It consumes us on a daily basis. We worry about the future, the past, the present and “what if”. One thing I have learned over the last 90 days is yesterday is gone forever, tomorrow may never come so stay in TODAY! If we focus on trusting in God and not in ourselves we would be happier individuals. There is nothing that we can do about past decisions, actions or deeds. What we can change is how we think and act in current situations. Everyday should be an exercise in appreciation and love. No matter what you are facing today, tomorrow can change the tide. You only have one life. One existence. It is critical to make it count from this moment forward. I am not pleased at my current predicament. But I am blessed and content. I am federal inmate number 19677-026 because of my actions. More importantly, I am here because God demanded that I listen to him and NOT me. Had I been obedient I would NOT have been in my current predictament. But I accept my today because God has so many great promises for me once this chapter closes. From now on I WILL LISTEN and OBEY!!

The small things that we have to endure is no match to the blessings that we will receive if we are willing to surrender To God. At all times, in all things stay positive, stay faithful and always believe that you are NOT alone.

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