
9 month review – halfway home

well it has certainly been a unique experiencce so far. i’m halfway done!

first and foremost i want ot thank all of my family and friends that have provided me an incredible amount of love and support. the visits to the desert, letters, pictures, emails, books and phone calls have made this time bearable. i am so incredibly fortuante to be surround with a great support network.

i am blessed to have a wonderful church here. i am surprised and thankful to have met a few people here that i consider friends, that i am sure i will stay in touch with after i am done wiht probation.

i have been very fortunate to continue to be able to improve my health. while i did have an uncomfortable accident resulting in a torn mcl in my right knee, i’ve continue to lose weight, no 90 pounds lighter than when i arrived. my blood pressure is now in the normal range and my resting pulse much better.

i’ve read over 150 books and have really enjoyed getting back to the habit of reading a lot. i still really miss listening to my podcasts and ted talks and look forward to catching up with those when i get home.

I’ve begun to assemble my release plan as i transition my mindset form passing time to preparing to go home and get back to work.

David Foley


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