Thinking positive thoughts are a natural part of our make-up even for the most pessimistic bunch. The goal however is to totally saturate your being on a hourly basis with positive thoughts. If you on the hourly basis are in the spirit of giving thanks and sending praises to God then your life will be filled with positivity. In my current journey of confinement and being powerless on the outside world, I am still consumed with positive thoughts most hours of the day. We must transcend our "current" state and prepare for our future lot! If you become consumed with the sometimes "bleakness" of "today" it will affect the outcome of tomorrow! The right thoughts will yield the right outcome. So no matter what the natural eye can see in the natural your thoughts must stay positive with the belief that you have the power to change how you feel on the inside despite the trials or tribulation that currently have you in its grips! Trust me it makes a difference in life! I am EXPECTING great things in my life not just in my near future BUT today because each moment in my life is the future.
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