Our Colorful Mid-Century Living Room

"Reentry" really could not be going any better!  I am enjoying every aspect of daily life and am so incredibly grateful to be free and to be able to enjoy all the little things I missed while I was away.  I know it’s a bit of a cliché but I kind of feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz going from the black and white of Kansas to the overwhelming color of Oz.  Colors seem unusually bright to me, the mountains seem more beautiful, the sky seems more vivid.  Also over the past year, Ken has put all the knowledge and expertise he has gained as a Lowe’s Project Specialist to good use by updating our little mid-century house in Palm Springs.  What a wonderful welcome home present!  Being able to spend so much time with Ken – and with Tito Puente! – is the best gift of all.  I still can’t believe that I can see and spend time with both of them whenever I want!

Tito Puente striking a pose!


I also had the opportunity to drive to San Clemente last Thursday to visit with my friends at Glaukos and to talk about possibly doing some work for them.  You may recall that I worked for Glaukos and DOSE Medical (the drug delivery subsidiary that was spun off from Glaukos a few years back) right up until I surrendered in January of 2015.  I truly loved working there and, while I was away, I held out hope that I would have the opportunity to work with them again when I got out.  My priorities have changed while I was away though.  My top priority is my relationship with Ken and it is very important to me that any work I take on allows me to spend the majority of my time at home in Palm Springs.  I am also no longer interested in having a “career” or titles or status.  Rather, I am interested in working with smart, fun people whom I enjoy and trust and in working on projects that are challenging and have the potential to improve people’s lives.  With all of this in mind, I am extremely pleased to say that I have accepted an offer to consult for DOSE Medical that is a perfect fit with the criteria that are important to me.  I will start on January 2 (I need the month of December to get my life back in order!) and will spend Tuesdays and Wednesdays in San Clemente where DOSE and Glaukos are headquartered and two days per week working in the home office that Ken put together for me!  Get out your calculators.  That means I get to spend six of seven nights at home each week!  When I walked in the new building in San Clemente – and it is SPECTACULAR – it felt like coming home.  I have so much respect and love for the DOSE and Glaukos people and I am so excited that I will have the opportunity to work with them again; along with key, new people who have joined in the interim.  And while I can’t share the nature of the projects on which I will be working, I can tell you that they are incredibly exciting.  I am so grateful for the opportunity and am just stunned at the way everything is falling into place.  I look forward to contributing to the success of DOSE for years to come!

Finally, I had my first visit with my Probation Officer yesterday in San Bernardino.  The purpose was to review all of the restrictions in place and determine my “risk level” for my three year period of supervised release.  I really enjoyed meeting with her.  Not surprisingly, she categorized me as the lowest level of risk due to my long term, stable relationship with Ken, my wide circle of supportive friends and relatives, having a good job and the absence of drug abuse or violence in my past.  So, barring any future changes, I will not be required to report to or check in with my PO on a regular basis.  In addition, I will not be subjected to random drug or alcohol testing.  I had expected that I would have to do both of these things so this is really good news!  I do have quite a few restrictions though that I must abide by while I am on probation:

  • I cannot have any alcohol, drugs or guns.
  • I cannot be in homes, cars or other places where there are drugs or guns.
  • I cannot travel outside the area covered by the US District Court of Central California without prior written approval submitted in advance (and not for the first 60 days at all).  Fortunately the district is quite large and covers LA, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo counties.  Good thing we don’t live in Delaware or Rhode Island!
  • I also cannot interact with other felons without prior, written permission.

There are lots of other little restrictions but those are the most important ones.  Of course, I plan on following all of these TO THE LETTER!  Violating any of them could send me back to prison and nothing is worth the risk!

OK that is enough for one post!  I am so thrilled with how everything is going!

Lots of love!


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