The last blog post

Hi everyone! One last update before I sign off.  I could not be happier with how everything is going in my life.  Mr. Ken and I are closer than we have ever been.  We will be celebrating our 35th anniversary this fall with a trip to northern Michigan with our dear...

A Christmas Miracle

A Christmas Miracle It is still completely unreal to me that I am home for the holidays!  When I first surrendered to the federal prison camp at Taft in January 2015, one of the first things I did was...

Re-Entry Issues? Not Yet!

"Reentry" really could not be going any better!  I am enjoying every aspect of daily life and am so incredibly grateful to be free and to be able to enjoy all the little things I missed while I was away.  I know it’s a bit of a cliché but I kind of feel like Dorothy...

There’s No Place Like Home!

I'm home! I'm home! I'm home!!! I know many of those who receive my blog posts know that I was released on November 28 but I think it bears repeating, don't you? The last several days have been a whirlwind. You may recall that my sentence was due to end on May 21,...

Greetings From Oklahoma City!

Greetings from Oklahoma City! September 16, 2017 It has been a little over a month since I testified in Austin and I have only made it back to Oklahoma! I am writing this from the Bureau of Prisons transfer center at the Oklahoma City airport. This is the first BOP...

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