Our team at White Collar Advice is always grateful when a client chooses to share their story publicly. It is not easy speaking about federal sentencing, federal prison and all of the other collateral consequences that accompany a white collar crime investigation and conviction.

Our new video features my good friend and client, Dr. Nate Schott. When Nate retained our team at White Collar Advice, he was expecting to serve 51 months or more in federal prison. In this video, you will learn steps that Nate put in place to reduce his federal prison sentence to 33 months. Further, good time credits, early release programs (RDAP) and 10 months in the halfway house/home confinement, led to Nate serving only 10 months on his 33 month sentence.

Some of the questions I ask Nate, include:
1. What was it like before you hired White Collar Advice?
2. What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our team?
3. Where did you start your search?
4. What have you been able to achieve since using White Collar Advice?
5. What about our business surprised you the most?
6.What would you tell someone who's considering working with us?
7. Is there anything else that you would like to comment on or say about White Collar Advice?

Nate has been giving of his time to potential client and current clients. If you are considering working with our team, please send a text or call us at 818-424-2220. You can also send an email to JP@WhiteCollarAdvice.com.

Nate and I hope you find huge value in our video!


Justin Paperny

It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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