That’s What Friends Are For

June 23, 2015

I know I sound like a broken record sometimes when I go on and on about how grateful and fortunate I am to have such wonderful friends who write me, email me, support me and just love me for being me.

Last Thursday evening, my dear friend Audrey made the four hour drive from Carmel Valley to Taft Federal Prison Camp so she could visit me on Friday. She stayed in the lovely Caprice Hotel in Taft (where the room was a toasty 100 degrees when she checked in). What a trooper!

I met Audrey in December of 1976 at the funeral of my best friend from college. He and Audrey had dated briefly before he headed off to Fresno State and he had told me how wonderful she was so I made a point of meeting her after the service. His death was a devastating event in my life but a wonderful, lifelong friendship came out of it. Audrey and I visited each other numerous times while I was at Fresno State. Her home in Carmel became my home away from home and her mom, brother Bart and sister Laurie welcomed me (well her mom welcomed me eventually after she realized how wonderful I was!!!).

We have been friends ever since and we have been through many ups and downs together and we are always there for each other. I love our history – almost 40 years!

The visit was amazing. We talked non-stop and I loved every second of it. This is what Audrey posted on her Facebook page when she got back from visiting me. Of course, it made me choke up. I share it because it is people like her – and she is GOOD people – who make the world (and my life) and wonderful place. Thanks sweetie!

I had the pleasure of visiting David this past Friday and spending 6 hours with him. They had to make me leave! He was in great spirits and, as friends for 39 years (how is that possible?) we just talked away. We had our photo taken, and I’ll post that when I get it.

I’ve been in regular email contact with him and know that he says he’s doing well, but nothing replaces seeing him in person and getting that hug! It was the start of the Father’s Day weekend and the room was filled most of the day. Our conversation ranged from the ‘deep’ to the mundane and we laughed a lot as we got caught up.

I find myself wanting to thank him for letting me visit him. The visit was just that wonderful and uplifting. Several different family members/visitors of other inmates came up to David during the day and asked if he was the one who writes the blog. When he said yes, it was so moving to see how much it means to them. Every one of them thanked him for writing it. One woman said she checks every day for a new post. That’s so wonderful! I don’t think anyone could be handling this better than David.

Thank you Kenny & Lue for the tips on getting in easily, from paperwork to attire to where to stay and eat in Taft. As I told my husband, you just drive out to the middle of nowhere, then turn left and keep going. Eventually you get there.

David loves visitors and, frankly, it’s not depressing being there. Strange as it feels to say, I had a great time!

Please keep writing, emailing, sending books (coordinate through Lue) and visit if you can (coordinate with David directly). He’s doing so well and I know all of us are a big part of it.


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