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The Girls Guide to Federal Prison Camp: Prior to leaving for prison I was scared and frightened of the unknown.  I searched the internet for information about federal prison camps for women,  but did not find very much.  While in prison, my friend, Marilyn, and I found that many of the women we met also could not find information on what to expect.  Marilyn and I both knew of a popular book entitled, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, and we thought that such a concept could be applied to a booklet for women who had to spend time away from home. So we set ourselves a writing schedule and started exchanging notes about how the book should proceed.  We completed our book and it is now available here.

However, we are providing it for free for people who visit the Etika site–just send me a message and I’ll email you a complimentary copy.

Although, it’s our hope that our guidebook will help take away some of the fear of the unknown, as Justin pointed out, your focus prior to prison should be on how you are “going to succeed and become more than anyone expects of a person who has been to prison.”


It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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