Hi everyone!

One last update before I sign off.  I could not be happier with how everything is going in my life.  Mr. Ken and I are closer than we have ever been.  We will be celebrating our 35th anniversary this fall with a trip to northern Michigan with our dear friends Howard and Sherri.  I will also be celebrating my 60th birthday on that trip and what a celebration it will be!  I wouldn't change a single thing about the time since I have been released.  I am beyond thrilled to be working with the incredibly talented people at Glaukos and DOSE Medical again.  The work is challenging and very exciting.  I am spending Tuesdays through Thursdays in south Orange County and the rest of the time in beautiful Palm Springs.  It is a perfect balance for me at this point in my life.  I am very aware that mine is not the typical transition and I owe that to my incredible support network of friends and family.  Thanks for sticking with me and rooting for me over the past few years.  I'll close with a link to a Facebook photo album that I put together to document my journey and pay tribute to all the people who came to visit me.  This is for everyone who supported me.  Thank you!!!!


With much love,



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