How we perceive our individual situations is all in our minds. We must learn to program our minds with the right thoughts. Sometimes it is hard to program positivity, hope and happiness when we are in dire straits. However, it can be learned with a little practice.

I have watched close family members deal with traumatic situations. My brother and sister in law dealt with the recent loss of a child and the current battle of what might be a terminal cancer and keeps a positive and faith driven outlook on life. It’s easy to talk faith but to live in the faith belief in your darkest hour is the action that makes God happy.

We can all boast positivity and smile when the sun is shining. We can give our wise counsel when we are not in a storm. The proof is how we perceive life when the storm is brewing. We are strong. We can withstand and endure but it begins in the mind. My brother was sooo strong during the days and months following the untimely death of my nephew that it made you want to know where his source of strength came from. His strength and acceptance of his son’s untimely transition was a testament to us all. Now being strong in your faith does not mean that you don’t question God or cry and suffer but it means that you are accepting and vow to keep your head up while moving forward.

I have witnessed my sister in law battle cancer and live through the death of her son and still fight for her life. Taking chemotherapy and still smiling. When people can endure such pain and suffering and still continue to give God the praise, then I want my mind right! Every thing happens at the right time. We don’t know why. But our faith must teach us to take each day individually and our faith and strength will carry us. Therefore, from today forward we must adjust our minds to soar above the situation we are in, the pain we feel, the diagnosis we got and the sentencing we heard. We must look beyond the present negativity, pain, hurt, confusion and uncertainty and BELIEVE that our individual futures and circumstances shall one day be our past mountains. Since being at Carswell, I have seen so many women with terminal cancers who run around like nothing is wrong. I have lunched with women who have amputations and can roll in wheelchairs faster than you can walk. I have chatted with women who have no antibodies and must have transfusions weekly to stay alive and they don’t complain. Some of my favorite people that I talk to daily have pacemakers and have daily chest pains and don’t believe it’s the end. By the way any acts on me are a matter of national emergency! Yesterday, I spoke to a lady who said to me “well my pressure is up again” quite calmly. I inquired well Ms. M what is it today?? She matter of fact responded 220 over 130. She said she would grab a bite and take a nap. Let me tell you…if my pressure spiked that high I would INSIST on being rushed to the nearest EMERGENCY room because a stroke was IMMINENT! BUT, I have learned that it’s ALL in your mind. If you are calm, relaxed and believe in the best and not the worst possible scenario, you WILL overcome!! So daily, I practice looking for the best in whatever the day may bring. After all It’s all in the mind! God Bless!!

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