Recently, I returned to lecture at The USC Marshall School of Business. The lecture was scheduled to go for 80 minutes, however, question and answers took the event to nearly two hours.

In this video, My Worst Day of Federal Prison, I answer a students question.

If you are watching this and if you are going to federal prison, these short videos should help you, presuming you are willing to do the work.

Do not waste time upon your surrender to federal prison, as I did.

Do not spend time lamenting over the unfairness of the situation, as I did.

Instead, focus on how you can emerge better and stronger. My transformation on the inside didn't start until I had been in federal prison for several months. Again, do not wait, as I did. Take action from your first day in federal prison and keep it going to the end!

If you can muster the strength to prepare, life on the other side of prison boundaries will be better than you could ever imagine.

Work, work, work!!

Justin Paperny

P.S. If you want to master prison, click here to schedule a call.

P.S.S. You can still enroll in our free five day federal prison course.

It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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