I have not been blogging for a couple of weeks!  There is a reason behind it.  Since I have been here I have been watching my diet and adding exercise.  I have been focused as best I can be!!  However, what I failed to watch was my sodium intake!! On a daily basis I would garnish all my food with salt and more salt.  I would eat turkey and pepperoni sausage coupled with soups and noodles from the commissary.  Little did I realize that the sodium content to preserve these things were through the roof!!  I had been feeling a little dizzy so I decided to check it out.  Lordy!  My pressure had gone up to 200/100!!!  I was HORRIFIED!!!!  They increased my medication, added a water pill and monitored it for 4 straight days.  Praise God it has finally went down to normal.  The lesson from that experience was not just to focus on one area of nutrition but the whole enchiladas!  Since that experience I do not add any salt to the cafeteria food  and I don’t eat the soups, sausages, noodles or chips from the commissary.  Now I’m feeling better and ready to share.  Can you believe I have been at Carswell for almost 3 months!  I am grateful that thus far my journey has been peaceful.  I have taken 3 adult continuing education classes.  4 health exercise nutrition classes and 2 religious classes.  I just signed up for 4 additional adult continuing education classes.  The goal is to keep yourself busy!! I attend church services religiously.  I have not cried one single day.  I thought I would considering the fact that I have never been away from home for over a week and I’m 50 years old! When you are on a journey you realize that there is a purpose and it is only for a season.  That thought process will keep you going everyday.  No matter the situation you find yourself in it’s only temporary.  After night comes light.

There is another chapter for my life and my future will be brighter than my past.  I am assured of this.

Fear and Worry are ever present.  It’s life.  On a daily basis fear and worry thoughts can become consuming.  My daily mantra is that my FAITH overshadows any fear or worry that comes my way.  Trust me it’s a hourly, daily, weekly and monthly challenge.  We are naturally worry warts.  At least I am.  I worry about things I have no control over.  It normally starts out with “what if” then it goes downhill.  But I work hard to arrest that “what if’s” by dousing them with God can and will work it out!  It is a powerful declaration but you must have faith to activate it.  Taming and controlling you is the BIGGEST job ever!  So, each day I am forced to trust in God more and more.  Trust me it works!!  So until my next blog, keep your faith on 10!!

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