Transferred To Florence Federal Prison Camp

  I asked Justin to add this short note for me. I have not written for a couple of weeks because I am in the process of being transferred to Florence Prison Camp. I will write more about the transfer in the coming weeks. I am in good spirits and look at this...

Health – Wealth – Happiness

Health - Wealth - Happiness First in a 10 Part series My first couple of weeks here at Taft Prison Camp has given me an opportunity to reflect. Most often we're so busy with our lives that we don't have a block of time to step outside of our day to day routines,...

Hours Before Going To Federal Prison

Hours Before Going To Federal Prison It is Tuesday May 17, 2016, a day I will always remember. In just about an hour I will be going to federal prison. An uber car will pick me up at my hotel in Bakersfield, then drive me to Taft Federal Prison Camp. If I had not been...

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