Time Changes Everything – Part 2

Time Changes Everything - Part 2 Many years ago when I was a teenager I found myself saying "I can't wait till I'm older and I can have my own car." Interestingly enough, when I was older and could drive a car, I found myself saying "I can't wait till I graduate from...

Time Changes Everything

Time Changes Everything A close friend of mine told me a couple of weeks ago that he used to buy hay for his employer. Each month my friend would go meet an old gentleman who was a hay broker. They would then go look at several fields of hay. After checking all the...

Getting Sentenced In Federal Court

Getting Sentenced In Federal Court Today I would like to talk about how I'm feeling the day before my Sentencing Hearing with Judge Robert Shelby. For many weeks I have had a multiple of emotions. I have felt, bitterness, humility, embarrassment, mental anguish,...

16 Ways to Mitigate the Impact of a Prison Sentence

Hi, this Justin Paperny. Today I will discuss 16 ways to mitigate the impact of a prison sentence. Before, I do, let’s review the word mitigate: “Mitigate (verb): make less severe, serious, or painful. Without question most everyone one in prison would rather not be...

7 Daily Habits To Succeed in Federal Prison

January 4, 2016 7 Daily Habits To Succeed in Federal Prison While waiting an unusually long time for my $6 dollar coffee drink this morning at Starbucks, I heard some men talking about their New Years goals. Rather than offer them my unsolicited opinion, I decided to...

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