Is Happiness Found or Achieved?

88 days left Blog Entry 36 March 28, 2015 What is happiness and how is it achieved? There’s no one right answer of course because everyone is in search of something else out of life. For me happiness doesn’t come with monetary wealth in most cases. Look at most of the...

Scared as I Look Ahead to My Release

89 days left Blog Entry 35 3/27/15 Along with my pending release comes a whole new set of feelings and emotions, some of which were expected and others not. I can’t remember a time in my life filled with more uncertainty than right now. I’m overwhelmed with feelings...

Will I Serve Time or Will Time Serve Me?

90 days left Blog Entry 34 March 26, 2015 One of the hardest things to do while in prison is to not give up. I’m constantly surrounded by people who have either given up or given out. Many seem to have lost their way and have no idea where they’re headed. They have...

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