
I've recently relocated to the Greenville Illinois camp!  I am truly grateful.  During the last 6 months I've often asked God why he sent me sooo far from home to begin this journey.  He told me in  due time I would see "why".  That how life is.  We don't understand...

A Fresh Start

Happy New Year!! What if the beginning of each year brought with it the opportunity for a fresh start? A overdue change? New beginnings? Brand new opportunities??? Well, I'm here to tell you it does! As long as there is breath in our bodies the opportunity for a fresh...

The Power of NO!

Have you ever said "YES" to something or someone and then not one minute later you punish yourself for saying "YES"?  These scenes play out day after day and over and over in our lives and we continue to repeat the "YESism's"! The next time you say YES to something or...


I've often asked or have been asked the question “What are you passionate about"? It always amazes me when we have the "deer in the headlight expression" trying to answer that question.  Why is that question so hard to answer for some?  Why can't we just readily shout...

No Matter What

Everyday brings a new adventure, new challenge, a different personality and new set of circumstances.  This is true no matter where you are.  We will all go through a life altering, traumatic event during our lives.  Just as the sun rises and sets daily so does the...


On this Thanksgiving day we all have a lot to be thankful for.  Some may say that my current situation does not warrant me being thankful.  Well rest assured that every second of our lives are a reason to give thanks.  I celebrated Thanksgiving this year away from my...

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